Shattering Our Expectations of Motherhood with Grace

Shattering Our Expectations of Motherhood with Grace


Did you have these perfect visions in your mind of what motherhood would look like? I sure did, but the realities of my role crashed violently with the expectations I so naively crafted in my mind of what motherhood would look like.

Expectations can either cause us to be filled with a great hope or an intense doubt. As moms we have nine months of eager anticipation, which intensifies with each sonogram, every awe-filled kick, all the baby gifts carefully placed in a nursery, and every word of advice ready to be executed to perfection once this precious one is in our arms. However, as a mom the realities of my role crashed violently with the expectations I so naively crafted in my mind of what motherhood would look like.

Scripture says in Proverbs 10:28, “the hope of the righteous is joy, but the expectations of the wicked will perish.”

Dear mom, let’s explore some of these expectations together and learn how to break them with the grace of the One who designs each step we take. Satan wants nothing more than for us as moms to feel the disappointments we set on ourselves when we don’t reach these unrealistic expectations. These disappoints lead to loneliness, shame, isolation, and fear. This makes us extra susceptible to Satan’s lies.


Momma, you don't have to feel disappointed with unrealistic expectations.

This devotional will address 7 main expectations we place on ourselves as moms:

  • Motherhood would come naturally

  • I would enjoy all of motherhood

  • I could go back to my old normal

  • I would just get my children

  • My mom tribe would magically appear

  • I could do it all

  • It would all go according to my plan

We will discover together that the gap between our expectations and experiences as a mom is the space where we can run desperately to God. As we start to shift our expectations from a tightly held grip of control and start releasing them to God, we can re-learn how trusting Him with our motherhood is the only expectation we need.

Join my monthly Momma’s Musings newsletter to get this wonderful devotional! You will also get exclusive access to other motherhood resources as well as a monthly devotional to help you cultivate grace as a mom.

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