All in Marriage

We are always one step away from a changed life. I hate to simplify it, because I’m a big believer that life is never black or white, that tones of greys to yellows and every hue in between is where we all operate in. But as I sit here next to my person, the one whose picked up my emotional baggage and carefully packed it away into the drawers of our joined life, I reflect on these last 5 years. When is the last time we’ve held hands walking through the store instead of hastily stuffing them in our pockets? When is the last time we ignored what was on our phones and got lost in a conversation to get to know each other better?When is the last time we let that small greeting peck linger into a tingle worthy kiss? When is the last time date night was leisurely instead of a rush to enjoy our children’s company over each other’s?

Making Love My Heartsong

Emotionally this has been a trying week for me. There isn’t a big storm cloud in my life, nothing catastrophic has come my way, but I seem to be making mountains out of my molehills in all areas of my life. Usually I will take that burden and throw it over my shoulder like a backpack filled of stones and let it weigh me down until I am utterly exhausted.  My prayer tonight was, God take these stones, unpack these burdens and give me a new perspective.

Humility - The New Marriage Vows

 The traditional marriage vows should be amended to include, “I promise to practice humility daily.” Pride is a nagging shadow I can’t seem to outrun most days. I don’t set out with the intention of letting my pride win again, but I open my mouth and my words are tainted with selfishness.