You Can't Shine From a Dirty Brush - The Cleansing Power of Jesus
I’m going to admit something that some might completely cringe at….I am not good at changing out the scrub sponge on my dish brush. Its some where around the time the smell of mildew hits my nose that I figure it might be time for a new one. Today I was frantically scrubbing my daughter’s favorite cup, because she demanded that no other would do, and I started thinking about the possibility of that sponge being tainted with colonies of germs. As the cavalry of nasty microbes launched their attack on her cup I was struck by something. How many times do we use that same filthy sponge to clean our hearts, expecting some cleansing power to overwhelm us, only to be left feeling dirty once again?
At this point, my only choice is to buy a completely new dish brush, but what if next time I cleaned that brush daily. We have to find a way to clean our heart before the day soils it. Much like the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” you can’t shine from a dirty brush. Each day I have to be renewed by the words of God in time spent with Him. I cannot face my day without it; otherwise I will be washing over the same blemishes in my life with a dirty rag. Only from the power of the spotless Lamb are we able to clean away the stains in our lives. (1 Peter 1:19) Jesus is our clean rag, able to purify our junk. Because, lets face it, some type of filth dirties us all. For sake of transparency my “germ” is selfishness, but I stand ready to face today, with a heart cleaned by the blood of Jesus.
If you feel the need to go buy me new scrub brushes, thanks, but in all honesty they will probably still be sitting in a corner of a closet years later, because this mid-age dog isn’t great with new tricks. However, I hope that you see the importance of purifying your own heart with a clean brush.
“Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart” 1 Peter 1:22