The Light of the Eyes
How the mind connects to our emotions is completely fascinating to me. During a tough day this week I posted a picture saying that eye contact was feeling way too hard. That prompted me to read about the science behind looking each other in the eyes. In an article in Psychology Today, Kathrine Schreiber and Heather Hausenblas Ph.D. discuss a study on the power of eye contact, “They believe that the self-referential information processing brought about by feeling looked at "acts as an associative 'glue' for perception, memory, and decision-making." There are even theories that direct eye contact can be therapeutically beneficial to Alzheimer’s patients.
So as the busy school and holiday season is quickly approaching my momma heart is pleading for time to just slow down! I’ve found myself saying yes to making memories with one more storybook, another ice cream date, an extra minute of cuddles, and dancing to the hot dog song on repeat. I’m pausing and taking the time to really look my girls in the eyes to try and forever capture these moments in my soul. I might have lost some time to myself and dust bunnies are gathering in the corners of the house, but do you know what I’ve found? JOY - unbridled, all-consuming, tear jerking, breathtaking joy found in the simplest moments of our day.
Scientists have even shown that these direct eye contact sessions enhance our feelings of joy! Take the extra time this week, even during those rough days, to look your loved ones in the eyes!
“The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones.” Proverbs 15:30 ESV