The Cross Has the Final Word

….but I have crippling anxiety/depression, the cross has the final word.


….but I’ve been hurt so much by others I am filled with bitterness, distrust and anger, the cross has the final word.


…but I’m to ashamed to release this secret sin to anyone, the cross has the final word.


…but numbness surrounds my broken heart, the cross has the final word.


…but my steps in the season are heavy with burdens upon burdens, the cross has the final word.


….but I’m hurting










There is nothing God cannot find victory over, because the cross has the absolute final word. It is pure love, unwavering friendship, abundant grace, mighty courage, beautiful surrender, awe-inspiring mercy, the greatest gift we’ve ever been given.


“Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. They will bring great honor to the Lords name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.” Isaiah 55:13

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